Blue whale
Fact file
Name: Blue whale
Status: Endangered
Habitat: In all oceans of the world. They mate and calve in tropical-to-temperate waters during winter months, and feed in polar waters during summer months.
Description: The blue whale is the largest animal ever to have existed on Earth, even bigger than the dinosaurs! It can grow to over thirty metres in length - the size of three double-decker buses end to end. Like all whales, it is a mammal and not a fish.
Why are they endangered? In the first half of the twentieth century many whales were commercially fished because a wide range of products such as soap and oil could be made from whale body parts. However, whales breed so slowly that it wasn't long before the intensive whaling pushed many species, including the blue whale, to the edge of extinction.
Commercial whaling has now been banned for several decades, and blue whale numbers are slowly increasing. In 2021, there were an estimated 10,000 to 25,000 Blue Whales.