Mineral detectives

Mineral detectives

Finding out about minerals is detective work. There are thousands of different minerals, all with different properties - like colour, shape and hardness.

For any one mineral you have to think carefully about each of these different properties, and then put all this information together to identify it properly - its easy, once you know how.


illustration detective magnifier


Take a closer look

Stop! Don't go any further! To identify a mineral, you must first look at it carefully! Many of its properties can be discovered just by careful observation.
You can also use a magnifying glass or a hand lens to see more detail in your mineral. You may see some structures that you could miss with the naked eye.

minerals magnifying glass

A hand lens is an essential piece of equipment for all geologists (people who study rocks and minerals). When using a hand lens, hold the lens to your eye and move the specimen into focus. Keep the specimen in a good light.

hand lens




About this resource

Science topic: Minerals

Key Stage: KS2, KS3

Type: Information, Activity

Keywords: minerals, mineral properties, identify a mineral

Find out more about minerals and their properties