1. Print out the pages, stick them to thick cardboard, and cut out each card. There are 'key' cards, and blanks if you want to make your own cards up.
2. Shuffle the pack and deal out all of the cards, face down, between all of the players.
3. Each player holds their cards so that they can see their top card only.
4. A player starts the game by reading out a fact from their card. The other players then read out the same fact on their top card.
5. The player with the best or highest value fact wins all of the cards used in that round and places all of them, including their own, to the bottom of their pile.
6.The winning player then chooses a fact from their next card, and so on.
7. If there is a draw in any round - that is 2 or more cards share the same top value - all competing cards are placed in the middle and the same player chooses again from their next card. The winner of this hand takes all of the cards, including the ones in the middle.
8. The person who wins all of the cards from the other players is the WINNER!
About this resource
Science topic: Earth
Key Stage:
Type: Activity
Keywords: minerals, minerals game
There's more to learn about minerals
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.