Transport and technology


Transport and technology

Minerals play a role in modern technology.

Look at your computer. Is it working properly? Yes, well you can thank minerals for that!

There are lots of places you can find minerals in technology.



crystal blue car


About this resource

Science topic: Minerals

Key Stage: KS2, KS3

Type: Information

Keywords: minerals, every day use of minerals

Find out more about the minerals you can find in transport and technology


Building a car

Many minerals are needed to make a car. Iron is used to make steel. It makes up the bulk of the car, and comes from minerals like magnetite and hematite.

Bumpers, badges, and door handles are often coated in chromium to prevent them rusting - this comes from the mineral chromite.


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Magnetite, hematite and chromite are used to make the metal parts of cars

Minerals used to make cars

Cars are made from many different minerals. Their steel body is made from the iron-rich minerals like magnetite and hematite. Door handles and badges are often coated in chromium which comes from the mineral chromite.

Properties of steel:

  • strong
  • rigid
  • hard


Cars: starting and stopping

Up until recently, lead was added to the petrol used to power car engines. Galena is the main ore of lead, but because we now know lead is quite poisonous, we do not use it much any more.

Car brakes can be made from asbestos minerals. But we now know that asbestos is bad for us well. Researchers are working on a replacement for asbestos in brake pads and other fixtures.


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galena red cross
serpentine red cross
Galena and serpentine are not used anymore as lead and asbestos are not added to petrol or used to make brakes


Minerals used to make cars

Lead used to be added to petrol. It comes from the mineral galena. Asbestos is used to make car brakes. Both lead and asbestos are known to be bad for our health, so we try not to use them much nowadays.

Properties of asbestos:

  • flexible
  • durable
  • non-flammable




Two metals, aluminium and titanium, are used a lot in aeroplanes because they are lightweight and strong. Aluminium comes from a material called bauxite. Titanium comes from minerals called rutile and ilmenite.

Titanium is also important in space flight, as it is used a lot in the manufacture of space shuttles.


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Bauxite, ilmenite and rutile are used to make the metal parts of aeroplanes

Minerals used to make aeroplanes

Aeroplanes and spacecraft are made of aluminium and titanium. Aluminium comes from a material called bauxite. Titanium comes from the minerals rutile and ilmenite.

Properties of aluminium and titanium:

  • strong
  • lightweight
  • tigid



Gold is used in electronics. It conducts electricity very well and is very flexible, twisting easily into fine wires. It is used to make electronic circuit boards and other components.

Mica is also used in electronics. Muscovite mica is used to make electrical capacitors and high temperature insulators.


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gold mineral
mica mineral
Silver, garnierite, and pentlandite are used to make film and batteries

Minerals used in electronics

Gold is used in electronics because it conducts electricity. Mica is used because it does not conduct electricity.

Properties of gold:

  • conducts electricity
  • does not rust
  • is flexible - can be twisted into wires

Properties of mica:

  • does not conduct electricity
  • has a high melting point


Modern computers rely on the silicon chip to process information. The mineral quartz contains silicon, and is of great importance in electronics.

You may not see the inside of a computer, but the screen you are now staring at is made of quartz as well. Glass is made from quartz sand.


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Quartz contains silicon and is used to make the silicon chips inside computers. It is also used to make the glass in computer screens.

Properties of quartz:

  • hard
  • rigid
  • impermeable
  • transparent (see-through)


Learn about other uses of minerals